Norah's Blog

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Thats it Folks!

Okay so my first year of UNLV Swimming is over and I am now just looking back and thinking about all the great times. Conference ending bitter sweet and I wish I had done better personally and as the womens team. We ended up third and didn't win the Mountain West Conference Title again, but our men did and that was really cool. I did best times but I think I missed my taper because when I hit...I hit! Thats okay because I am coming out of this season as a much stronger person for the training I put in, for the blood, sweat and tears I endured here and I don't regret any of it. I look forward to next year and thats going to be even better. It will be my last year swimming...sounds weird but true. My eligibility will be all used up so I won't be a rebel anymore. We'll see what happens. I have some pictures to include from conference so I hope you all enjoy.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Taper Time!!

So we have now officially started taper. I know this because I feel like crap in the water and I have tons of energy. I know that might not sound like a good thing but I am being told this is totally normal. Trust me I have had my freak out already. So from next Tuesday is a week till Conference and I am stoked. I am getting really excited about going to Oklahoma City and seeing everyone swim fast. I am swimming 100 BR, 200 BR and 200 IM. Those are my three events. You are only allowed to swim three events at Conference, so those are mine.
School is going okay. This semester is a bit harder then last because I have 2 classes that really requires some studying and memorizing. Anatomy had a bad start because my teacher was in the hospital for the first 3 classes (week and a half) and so we are rushing and I need to know all the bony markings of every bone in the body...ridiculous. Bio 189 is really stupid just for the fact that he quizzes us on random information and so our last exam was a total bomb. I have other pretty easy classes as longas I keep up with the work so no problem there.
Alright so I'l;l update you guys soon...perhpas with results from Conference!