Norah's Blog

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Wrapping Up 2007

So I was just sitting here and Richard (my roommate) logged onto my blog and noticed I haven't been on here since May!!  So here is a quick update.  I worked all summer in Grande Prairie while doing summer school and then had Jonas over a visit to Canada in the middle of August.  We had a great trip down to Calgary and drove through some great terrain.  

Of course we returned to Las Vegas at the end of August and began school right on time. The semester went well and my final GPA was a 3.85.  I am pretty happy with that (even though I was looking for a 4.0) and since I am graduating in may I am looking for all the good grades I can get. 

So now it is Christmas break and I have just returned from Sweden where Jonas and I spent Christmas.  It was an amazing trip and I wish I could have had longer to be there.  We were there for a total of 10 days but it seemed like much less.  Jonas' parents spoiled me on Christmas and made me feel so comfortable throughout the entire trip.  I could hardly believe the treatment I got while I was there.  I missed my family a lot though and I called as much as I could with the time change and stuff.  Since Christmas in Sweden is celebrated on the 24th I called my family and had a good chat on the 25th.  
So now tomorrow is my 23rd birthday and I am pretty stoked.  One great gift I am getting is Julia Dutove (a friend from GP) is coming to spend my birthday with me and hang out in Vegas until the 4th.  I am so excited for her to be here and hang out with me because right now I am living with 4 boys.  Jonas and I moved in together this year, I am living with Richard again this year, but for Christmas break we took in two freshman that got kicked out for christmas.  The apartment will be full but I will love her being here with me.

Anyways, I will try and stay more updated and definitely more frequently.



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