Norah's Blog

Monday, August 08, 2005

Ocean Kayacking

Well the last few days has been awesome. On Saturday Mom, Dad and I went down to Queen Charlotte City for a quick little look then we went out on the back roads to go home where we took our time looking around. We then got to a place where the Big Spruce is. This tree is gigantic! We knew we had found it because there was a little sign saying 'Big Spuce'. I laughed when I saw so I took a picture. We then spent some time picking huckleberries because there are so many of them in the ditch. It was fun and dirty. Then yesterday all three of us borrowed some kayacks from some friends and we went kaacking on the Datelmen Inlet in the ocean. It was so much fun. I got to see a couple seals, tons of sea urchins and star fish and some sea cucumbers which my Dad flipped one onto my was so disgusting. I took a picture though. We paddled around for a little bit and saw the reversing falls and had a picnic there. Great spot for Salmon fishing...which I hope I can get some in here before I leave. But today was a pretty relaxed day. I went to go workout in Port Clements today...worst gym EVER! Then Mom and I went for a swim in the ocean because it was so hot out. Then we took a quick drive down to QC City where we bought some groceries and then we came back for a huge dinner with some guests and a friend. Crab and Salmon with pasta salad...oh so good. With saskatoon pie for dessert. Tomorrow a bunch of us are heading up to the North Beach where we are going to get a little crabbing done, rip up and down the beach on the ATVs and probably go to Rose Spit and maybe pick some strawberries. Then I have to visit Toe Hill and the blow hole...I always do that. Make a big day trip up there....can't wait!


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