Norah's Blog

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Snipits of Memories of my 6 months in Lethbridge

Okay while most of you won't get can just skip over this. But for those of you who do...I hope you get a few good laughs from this!
Caleigh's 18th! - How could we ever forget for a moment that our little Caleigh turned 18. She whipped out her id for a food tester.
Broken van window - Marcy had to hold the wet towel to cover it so the 30 below winds wouldn't freeze us.
Jeff's Finger - Everyone knows about this! It was so gross...but he sure knows how to finish.
Sunday Night After Party - Well first thing is that we were going out on sunday night. But remember the guys there that cleaned the kitchen out? Marcy bartending, Shannon...umm drinking LOTS! Can't remember all but I know it was me and two other girls dancing on the bar.
Robert Gulay - Mike kept us entertained with Gulay all weekend...enough said.
Plane Ride Home - We stunk...except for Tai and Andy...who were stuck on either side on me. But we took up half the plane and we pretty much grossed everyone out.

Horns take the dive - For whatever reason we could just not stand up on our feet. I think in total 3 or 4 of us took a very public face dive. Brit coming onto deck. Lisa stepping down from the block. Jeff when he almost missed his race...which I have to say I laughed the most at. I think there is one more..but who cares three is enough.

Now these are for my party girls and inside jokes:
Perky Bum
Leg Humper
Splash that Shit
Our Boys...
Hung over essays
Tobogganing...3 times - which links to our day at the mall
Anchor Man
After Parties
Guitar Jamming
Allterrain Couch
Essies Monday night ritual...followed by Tuesday morning practice
Big Spoon/Little Spoon
Retro Caberet
High Dive...I DID IT!
Water Polo Champions!
Annoying Girl!
Gym experiences
Pushing me in ritual
Drive back from Medicine hat...wind vortex
Numa Numa!
Let's Get Soaking Wet!!
Circle's at Essies
Me swing Dancing and kicking someone in the face
Tai's Backflip
Andy's Fav song
Blue and Gold...the three ladies who dressed up!
The Duke!
Got Jesus?
Mike's Costume Party...the shoe horn, the Hulk Fists, Sam's Pants
Walking Home and then to Caleigh's home the next morning
My fiance
Mike Steven's Hair
Mike's secret pleaure song...yeah I know

If I missed any just put them in the comments and then I'll add them. I know I missed a lot due to not being here the first few months, but add them anyways.


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