Norah's Blog

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Starting Off June

Okay well today is the first of June and I had a very good day for the first time in a while. I got a phone call from UNLV this morning and Rick (the assistant coach) told me that he had some good news and my unofficial transcripts showed that all my credits transferred and that it just needs to get official and its a go! I was so relieved to hear that because I was getting pretty fed up with this whole thing. Now we are back on track to get me into the Fall semester! We then talked about my scholarship and he said that he would send me the contract and the information that I need to get all set!! The first thing I did when I got off the phone was, of course, scream and jump around, then I phoned my Mama. I told her the good news and she was excited this time...she didn't said some random piece of advice like last time. After that I went to the University to see an advisor about some courses, saw all the graduating students which was really cool. Then I went for a quick swim because I didn't finish my workout yesterday and then I had an hour break before I went to my real was I tired. I also really hurt my finger during practice...we were doing a really long pull set and I connected hands with another swimmer and now my pinkie is taped to my ring finger. I really think I hurt it and so I'll see if it feels better by the end of the week. Oh I'm so breakable. Anyways I'm going to a movie tonight so I better go. Have a good start of June everyone!


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